By the early ’80s, Jeff Erdly had amassed almost 15 years of experience working in the field of construction and building restoration. His work during this time exposed him to a number of repair and preservation projects, and he became intrigued by the thinking behind the reconstruction of existing structures. “Having worked on a number Read More
Author: chris
Valentino to be part of team conducting APT tour on October 28th for the Coplay Cement Company Kilns
Erik Valentino of MPS to be part of team conducting Association for Preservation Technology Delaware Valley tour on October 28th for the Coplay Cement Company Kilns in Coplay, PA. This tour will be conducted by Preston Hull of Building Conservation Associates and Brian Wentz, PE, CDT of Keast & Hood, and Erik Valentino from Masonry Read More
MPS gives presentation for the AIA Northeast PA Chapter at the Scranton Library
Scott Siegfried and Jeff Erdly of MPS presented to the Northeast PA Chapter of AIA on the restoration of the Scranton Public Library. In a special event, the presentation was completed on-site at the library and included a tour of the library at the conclusion of the presentation. AIA credits were provided.
ASTM International Performance of Buildings Committee Presents Top Annual Award to Jeffrey L. Erdly
ASTM International’s Committee on Performance of Buildings (E06) has presented its top annual award – the Award of Merit – to Jeffrey L. Erdly, of Masonry Preservation Services, Inc., in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. The prestigious award, which includes the accompanying title of fellow, is ASTM’s highest recognition for individual contributions to developing standards. The committee Read More
Scott Siegfried to present at the SWRI Fall Technical Meeting in Philadelphia
Scott Siegfried of MPS will present on the restoration of the Albright Memorial Library, better known at the Scranton Public Library. The presentation will cover the project from start to finish, including the evaluation of the masonry façade, completion of a pilot phase and full restoration of the building walls.
MPS on design team evaluating Wilkes-Barre Area School District High Schools
The Wilkes-Barre Area School District is undergoing an extensive review of their existing junior and senior high schools to develop a strategic long-term plan. As part of the design team, MPS has been tasked with evaluating the masonry facades, following industry and ASTM standards, at each of the schools. MPS provided recommended repairs and an Read More
Jeffrey Erdly Receives ASTM Award of Excellence for Work on Buildings Standards
ASTM International Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings has honored Jeffrey Erdly, CEO of Masonry Preservation Services Inc. in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, with the E. George Stern Award of Excellence. A member of ASTM since 1991, the committee noted Erdly’s continuous and outstanding achievements during his tenure. He works on several E06 subcommittees and often contributes to E06 Read More
Erdly to present at NYAPPA Conference
Jeff Erdly, CEO of MPS to present at the SUNY/PPAA and NYAPPA 2016 summer conference held in Ithaca New York regarding ASTM Standards for Façade Inspection.
ASTM STP book is released as result of years of experience
Building Walls Subject to Water Intrusion and Accumulation: Lessons from the Past and Recommendations for the Future contains peer-reviewed papers that were presented at a symposium held April 14-15, 2013 in Indianapolis, IN. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM International Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings and Subcommittee E06.55 on Performance of Building Enclosures. The Read More
Alumnus (Erdly) endows second scholarship at Penn College
Jeff Erdly, CEO of Masonry Preservation Services Inc., and a 1972 engineering drafting graduate of Pennsylvania College of Technology predecessor Williamsport Area Community College, has endowed a second scholarship at the college. More information is available at: