ASTM STP 1444: Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
Building facades are not static. They move in response to wind effects and temperature changes. They interact with the structural frames that support them. They degrade with age and, occasionally, lose attachment to the building. Loss of facade materials is a growing problem throughout the United States.
The articles contained in Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection are focused on four major topics:
- Purpose and Background to Facade Ordinances
- Addressing Historic Buildings
- Investigation and Data Collection Techniques
- Material and Repair Techniques
As of the publication of Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection, only eight U.S. cities had adopted some form of local ordinance regarding the inspection of building facades for unsafe conditions. The documents within Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection represent a starting point for this very important work. The authors who contributed to Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection (architects, engineers, facility owners, and contractors) bring first-hand knowledge and experience to an informative collection of articles covering a wide diversity of North American architecture.
Click here to purchase Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection.

ASTM STP 1314: Water Leakage Through Building Facades
As you review the articles in Water Leakage Through Building Facades, MPS encourages you to remain aware of how everyone involved in the construction of a new building, from the architect to the technician who installs the final joint sealant, plays a critical role in the success or failure of building walls. While a reduction in building leakage has occurred in recent years, structures with walls that leak are still being constructed. As the pressure to build lower-cost structures continues, the resulting designs require the use of thinner, lighter building envelopes. These envelopes are less capable of withstanding the damage caused by even minimal water leakage.
Evaluating and repairing wall leakage remains an art. Many of the articles within Water Leakage Through Building Facades, particularly the case studies, present varying approaches to diagnosing and repairing leaks. There is no one “right way” to address a leakage problem. Rather, there is much room for the creative application of proven techniques. It is our hope that this book successfully illustrates how many skilled professionals have attempted to prevent, diagnose, and correct wall leakage.
Click here to purchase Water Leakage Through Building Facades.

ASTM STP 1549: Building Walls Subject to Water Intrusion and Accumulation: Lessons from the Past and Recommendations for the Future
Building Walls Subject to Water Intrusion and Accumulation: Lessons from the Past and Recommendations for the Future contains peer-reviewed papers that were presented at a symposium held April 14-15, 2013 in Indianapolis. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM International Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings and Subcommittee E06.55 on Performance of Building Enclosures. The symposium co-chairpersons and STP co-editors are Jeffrey Erdly, Masonry Preservation Services, Inc., Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, and Paul Johnson, SmithgroupJJR, Inc., Detroit. The papers that compose this STP will assist design professionals in constructing better-performing and longer-lasting buildings.
Click here to purchase Building Walls Subject to Water Intrusion and Accumulation: Lessons from the Past and Recommendations for the Future.